Sep 24, 2008

Bruisanne Beaten

Years and years ago, my most clever friend aptly nick-named me Bruisanne Beaten (which is much nicer than some of my other nick names) because it rhymes with my name. It went well with the black and blues on my legs and arms from time spent in the racquetball court and years later, I'm still "Bruisy," but their origins have broadened.

Most everything interesting I have to say relates to beer, bruises, and occasionally, bruises earned while drinking beer. Whether it's friends raising a glass, a life decision made while drinking beer, or a bruise initiated by my ox-strong two year old niece who likes to kick and shove people, my stories somehow relate to beer and/or bruises.
I also have a degree in Beer Consumption (not really, but I did go to OK State and really, what's the differnce?) and will review ales in my typical opinionated fashion. I'm not bossy... I just have better ideas.

Picture Caption: "You're in my seat, b****."

This is Maura, my most clever friend, on Sam's boat this past 4th of July. She is in Cosmo's seat and don't think Cosmo doesn't know it. That's one dirty look!